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Succulent Plants from Downunder
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Planet of the Apes: The Forbidden Zone

© 2007 - 2013, Eduart Zimer.

Succulent Plants from Downunder

Succulent plants from down under - Disphyma australe and its natural hybrids (2007) 

The first part of this article appeared in early October  2007 in KAKTUSY I INNE (No. 13 / No. 2 vol. 4 - 2007) in English (and in Polish translation by Tomasz Romuski), and the second part in December 2007 (No. 14 / No. 3 vol. 4 - 2007). I hope you will enjoy my account about a very special endemic New Zealand mesemb and its outstanding natural hybrids.   Special thanks to Tomasz Romuski for giving me this opportunity and making me up and ready for the challange. Thanks to Nick Perrin for making few of his photos available for me and for his help in gathering information.

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 POL About "KAKTUSY I INNE"  you can find out more here:  

and also a short presentation here:   


Succulent plants from down under - Sarcocornia quinqueflora, an odd halophyte succulent (2007)

This is another article about endemic / native succulent flora of New Zealand written for KAKTUSY I INNE; unfortunately for some very obscure reasons this hasn't been published in the magazine. However, one year later it became the core of an article published in the international issue of Avonia 27 (2) May 2009:

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Succulent plants from down under - Sarcocornia quinqueflora ssp. quinqueflora - a photographic update (2008)

A photographic update on my previous account on this odd succulent halophyte.

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Succulent plants from down under - The Kidney Fern (Trichomanes reniforme) (2010)

A unique succulent fern, endemic to New Zealand: 

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Succulent plants from down under - Adventive Plants - Part 1 (2007)

This is the first part of a quite ambitious series of articles dealing with naturalized succulent plants in New Zealand. 

Chapter I     - Introduction
Chapter II   - Crassula multicava
Chapter III - Cotyledon orbiculata

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Succulent plants from down under - Adventive Plants - Part 2 (2007)

Some details regarding climate and coastal habitats of New Zealand and a short review of one of the most relevant naturalized succulent plant group - Sedum:

Chapter IV  - Origin, Climate and Coastal Habitats
Chapter V    - Casual vs. Naturalized
Chapter VI  - The Sedum Group 

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Succulent plants from down under - Adventive Plants - Part 3 (2008)

This is the third part of this series dealing with problems of succulent plants naturalization in New Zealand and also an invitation to second thoughts - are always aliens that bad? 

Chapter VII   - What drives the success of the aliens?
Chapter VIII - Carpobrotus edulis, a friendly alien? 

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Succulent plants from down under - Adventive Plants - Part 4 (2008)

The fourth part of this series is dedicated to one of the most spectacular and iconic New Zealand natural landmarks - Rangitoto Island, a very young (at geological scale) volcanic island. A true natural laboratory.

Chapter IX  - Nature's laboratory:  Rangitoto Island (Hauraki Gulf)
Chapter X - A brief overview of the adventive succulent flora of Rangitoto Island

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Succulent plants from down under - Adventive Plants - Part 5 (2008)

The fifth part of this series consists of plant profiles dedicated to very interesting succulent plants fully naturalized in New Zealand.

Chapter XI  - Cakile maritima ssp. maritima
Chapter XII - Aloe maculata
Chapter XIII - Opuntia monacantha

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Succulent plants from down under - Adventive Plants - Part 6 (2009)

Sixth part of this series consists of bits and pieces and loose ends, and few more unpublished pictures. On top of that an account on Agave americana on Rangitoto Island:

Chapter XIV  - It's time for an erratum
Chapter XV - Agave americana 
Chapter XVI - Pictures and more

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Succulent plants from down under - Adventive Plants - Part 7 (2009)

The seventh part had to wait for a while until being online. The Yankee Wharf chapter was also published as a stand alone article in New Zealand Cactus and Succulent Journal, Vol. 62, No. 4. The Aeonium 'Rangitoto' chapter was also published in a stand alone version in New Zealand Cactus and Succulent Journal, Vol. 63, No. 1, Avonia-News 2009-11 and in Romanian version on Aztekium website.

Chapter XVII -
The succulent corner at Yankee Wharf, Rangitoto
Chapter XVIII - A new Aeonium natural hybrid in New Zealand? (Notes on Aeonium ‘Rangitoto’ - I)

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Succulent plants from down under - Adventive Plants - Part 8 (2009)

The eights part... is a bit off the topic, but still - I hope you'll enjoy:

Chapter XIX - The bid for succulence: Calystegia soldanella
Chapter XX - Bits and Pieces (Nature's potting mix for succulents / New pictures)



Succulent plants from down under - Adventive Plants - Part 9 (2010)

And here we go again... the ninth part is out... finally:

Chapter XXI - Crassula coccinea
Chapter XXII - Intermezzo: a new erratum
Chapter XXIII - Aloe arborescens
Chapter XXIV - Notes on Aeonium 'Rangitoto' (II)

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Succulent plants from down under - Adventive Plants - Part 10 (2010)

The 10th part of this series has a twist... it is actually an illustration of what trial and error really means... Enjoy!:

Chapter XXV - Kalanchoe 'Houghtonii'
Chapter XXVI - The Bethells Beach mystery mesemb
Chapter XXVII - The Spergularia media epiphany

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Succulent plants from down under - Adventive Plants - Part 11 (2011)

In Part 11 I'm trying to acknowledge the urban habitats and the surprising plants you may find hiding here, right under our noses and continue afterwards with a new pictorial - I kind of enjoy these:

Chapter XXVIII - Hidden under the canopy: cacti and succulents on a bluff in Auckland's Mission Bay

Chapter XXIX - A new pictorial

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Succulent plants from down under - Adventive Plants - Part 12 (2011)

Part 12 is dedicated to  a very special landmark in Napier, Hawkes Bay called The Bluff where many succulent plants managed to naturalize:

Chapter XXX - Free for all: The Bluff (Napier, Hawkes Bay)

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Succulent plants from down under - Adventive Plants - The summary of References and Further Readings updated to Part 12.

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Why Ninety Mile Beach?
You might wonder whether the title of this website – Ninety Mile Beach – was a deliberate mismatch with the content; otherwise why on earth would one use this title when (except for very few photos) you can’t find anything about Ninety Mile Beach here? Truth to be said – Ninety Mile Beach is a very special place on Earth anyway and there is no need of extra emphasizing its uniqueness, however, not by me. But this fine piece of nature has also a particular meaning for me as this endless beach was few years back – in a fully unexpected way – a place of spiritual revelation and complete freedom – this is the fact I have to acknowledge. This website I have started in late 2007 has largely outgrown its original purpose and I have also abandoned some of my initial projects because of other things that have caught my attention. Oh well, that’s who I am, I guess. At this stage this website is not only mirroring my past and present points of interest – especially cacti and other succulent plants and New Zealand’s nature with focus set on coastal habitats and plant naturalization – but is also a tribute: I have truly discovered my love for nature only since moving to New Zealand. This website is not intended to be eye-catching, but to provide useful information instead. It is actually a collection of texts in English and Romanian with no particular theme – from well over 100 plant profiles to travelogues to succulent plant naturalization to my recent Rangitoto Island obsession to other texts celebrating New Zealand’s nature and habitats and pretty much anything in between - accompanied by a small but varied photo gallery, and nothing else. External links will open PDF files containing illustrated articles you can view or download for personal use. I have saved fancy website designs for later hoping that you’ll enjoy it as it is. Some texts have been already published on other websites like (formerly known as Cactus Romania ), Aztekium and International Crassulaceae Website, or in magazines like Kaktusy I Inne, Aztekium, New Zealand Cactus and Succulent Journal, and Avonia; some other you won’t find anywhere else. Oh, I have almost forgot – there is one page though (I trust you will discover which one in worst case by trial-and-error) for which a minimum IQ of 10 is strongly recommended to visitors at all times (or alternatively a good sense of humour, but this rarely comes with a lower IQ). As they say - safety first! Eduart Zimer.

is where my documents live!

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